Where has December gone? There are some exciting scenic developments to report on 'odsock Corner' but they can wait for another day as we switch to 'Christmas Tree Halt'. New additions this year are the post box and a canine companion for the lady waiting on the platform. Both are castings I've had for years, bearing the hallmarks of teenage gloss paint...
Railway modelling in 7mm scale on 9mm gauge track, representing 15" gauge miniature railways and 18" gauge industrial railways. (Plus anything else that I choose to include!)
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Seasons Greetings
Saturday, 14 December 2024
Hanging Basket Liner Blues
Regular readers will know I've been an advocate of using hanging basket liner to represent grass for about 20 years now, resisting the more popular methods of grass application that have become available... until now.
Having got the basic ground cover in place I was ready to start the application of hanging basket grass in my usual fashion by laying down neat PVA and applying the brushed hanging basket, letting it dry and pulling the backing off before manicuring it as desired. It failed, twice over. After several sessions I had a very patchy effect and several areas had no effective grass "growth".
I had used my usual PVA, twice. Some of the PVA was absorbed into the material and not bonding to the ground surface. This current PVA is a just post-Covid purchase and I'm not convinced it is as good as the old stuff. I then tried Gorilla PVA and had better results but not perfect, still ending up with some areas entirely not stuck down. I then tried a coat of Matt Medium on the next area to seal the surface first, but it made little difference. The photo above was the result - it may not look too bad in the photo but there should really be grass everywhere...
Saturday, 7 December 2024
Twigging On
Saturday, 30 November 2024
'odsock Corner - Bits and Pieces
Where does time go? Work started on these items back in September and has proceeded embarrassingly slowly...
Over time the lamp and the wagon with the missing planks were joined by a few other pieces as ideas developed, the tree stump making an appearance during layout planning and is a Steve Bennett casting. All finally received a coat of primer and were painted over a few weeks and were matt varnished on the weekend just before the weather turned a lot colder.
Saturday, 23 November 2024
Saturday Snapshot - The 422 Tops
I realise that I have completed a project and that I have failed to take any pictures of it until this point... oops!
You may remember that I had purchased a spare 422 Modelmaking wagon chassis frame at Narrow Gauge North and used it for various bits of experimentation with axle boxes and the like. With the release of the Heywood-style 'Tops' wagon bodies I picked up a two-plank version at Narrow Gauge Now in October. The spare chassis was quickly fettled to suit and the two Araldited together, with the only other detail work being the addition of office staples at either end to form the lifting handles. Painted in Humbrol red-brown with black-grey ironwork I think the result is very pleasing.
You may notice a small cut-out in the lower edge of the headstock, the final experiment with this chassis was to test the feasibility of fitting MicroTrains couplers. With Mathieson 7mm wheels in the Peco chassis around 0.5-0.75mm needed to be removed in a strip 5mm wide. The jury is out on whether these wagons will ever get that style of couplers but I thought it worth the try and not noticeable enough to reverse the adaptation.
Saturday, 16 November 2024
One for the Road, Two for the Trees
Although I was happy enough with the roadway on 'odsock Corner I felt that it fell short of representing the rough surface of a obscure countryside trackway. The area that I was happiest with was the second crossing where I had a good basis for the areas worn away by traffic and time. I was convinced that I could get a better texture and colour...
Saturday, 9 November 2024
Beyond the Kato 11-109 - the 11-108!
Wednesday, 6 November 2024
Carry on Again...
Saturday, 2 November 2024
Carry on Clamping
The storage box for 'odsock Corner is now complete, it has been something of a saga for what should be a simple job! Firstly, I didn't have the hardboard and timber strip in stock as I had used most of the supply last year when I enclosed part of my new shelving in the workshop (which of course I have done nothing with...), so a trip to B&Q ensued and a shock at the price of these supplies (my old hardboard was free from an old wardrobe!). The new timber strip, despite being the same size as the old stuff, was actually slightly bigger too but I've ignored that.
After careful measurement of the baseboard and material thicknesses, I calculated the sizes of the hardboard panels (with a +1mm allowance) and cut them accordingly. The timber, 25x11mm section (which B&Q retail as 25x10.5mm) was cut, again slightly over-length, and panels then assembled one-by-one, to get as many clamps on each as possible. Allowing for drying time this took place over a couple of days, after which I sanded all the edges of the hardboard back to the edges of the timber to allow for neat and square corner joins.
Saturday, 26 October 2024
O9 Archeology
The 7mm Narrow Gauge Association has recently restarted it's second-hand sales service, as mail-order, members-only service with items listed and illustrated on a dedicated website page. Mention in 'Narrow News' that a quantity of O9 items were selling well led me to log in and take a look. Amongst the interesting items was an Owen Ryder R&ER coach kit, unopened... emails were exchanged. Paypal paid and the Royal Mail delivered.
Saturday, 19 October 2024
The Road to Nowhere
With the rockfaces on 'odsock Corner coloured to an initial satisfactory finish my attention turned to the road surface. My aim is to achieve both of these finishes prior to general ground surfacing, in order to allow the latter to overlap in a realistic fashion. The basis of the roadway had been laid some time ago in the form of mounting card and treated with button polish to harden the surface. I had intended to then follow a similar principle to that used on 'Shifting Sands', only to find, much to my surprise, that the Green Scene product I had used 18 years ago, had dried up...
The first step I took was to weather the planking on the first crossing, using various washes of acrylic followed by dry brushing in weathered wood shades. The centre planks are not yet stuck in place and are out of line in the picture.
The roadway itself is a concoction of grey tester pot paint (with a spot of brown), PVA glue, grey tile grout powder, very fine sand and the finest material sieved from my ballast mix. This was applied liberally over the roadway, adding in extra loose ballast material on the surface where required, in particular around the second crossing and to the right hand side in the areas that I had previously excavated in the road surface. The surface was stippled whilst wet to add some extra texture to the surface.
Saturday, 12 October 2024
Saturday Snapshot III - Rocks
Saturday, 5 October 2024
Low Cost at 'odsock Corner
Saturday, 28 September 2024
Steady Pace at 'odsock Corner
It always seems to be a bit of a struggle to get back into the swing of things after the summer holidays and this year has been no exception. Things are now slowly moving and the ballasting of 'odsock Corner is now completed. Now you might think that is an easy one-hit job, but it was actually spread over several sessions taking it nice and steady. Unfortunately it's not the easiest thing to get a decent picture of in the evening gloom of the workshop.
Saturday, 21 September 2024
Dereliction and the Light
The lamp post is a combination of S&D Models parts, picked up cheaply on my last trip to the now-closed Goods Yard at Tuxford. It may not actually be an accurate combination of pillar and lamp but it should look the part. Despite passive provision for lighting in the office building I am not fussed about having a working outdoor lamp as it will always be a daytime scene...