
Shifting Sands: Construction Scrapbook Part 2

Part of shiftingsands.fotopic.revisited

Based on material posted to in August 2006.

Another collection of random views on the way to layout completion!

The layout is now starting to look like it is near completion, various little jobs have been completed which all make a difference in the end.  Work on buildings for the layout is now almost complete, the workshop building having plenty of interior detail. Work on the grasswork is now complete and attention will soon be turning to the sand dunes.

The workshop building shows signs of rebuilding, inside there will be an abandoned second track:

Through the door some of the interior detail itself can be seen, including the kitchen sink!

There is a long way to go before reaching the amount of clutter on the walls at Scarborough:

I built up this workbench from a Black Dog kit with castings from S&D, Duncan Models and Details Associates:

One of the 4w works wagons, carrying a generator set from Peter Clark models:

Another wagon, this is a Black Dog kit with a few modifications:

I was stuck for a while with the ground covering around the shed and workshop area. I had not ballasted the area as I had imagined it to be surfaced differently. In the end a mix of ballast over the sleepers, paving slabs and earth was used to give a realistic effect:

I disguised the uncoupling magnets as a crossing, basswood strips provide the other timbers:

In the area around the workshop I added paving slabs, cut from mounting card to a scale 3x2 feet:

The paving slabs in place. They were treated with 'button polish' before laying:

Another view of the slabs, showing the foundation trench and floor of the building:

The completed area outside the workshop, with infills between the rails (more basswood):

The first building in place on the layout was the pill box, added at the ground covering stage:

I have been adding sand blown from the dunes using a MIG weathering powder - 'beach sand':

A close up of the sand dust, brushed into place over the ground covering:

Also in this update, the staff accommodation, a Cararama Polar Caravan, has had a makeover. I decided to weather the roof to represent a caravan that has been around for over 40 years!

This will be the path over the dunes, this is more basswood, scribed to represent decking style planking:

O9 Modeller would like to thank Mick Thornton for his help in creating this page.

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