
Sunday 11 March 2018

In Search of Tiny Flowers

The scenic test piece I displayed last week has progressed a little, with the Silfor tufts dry-brushed to loose their sheen and some weathering powders added to the ground colouring.

At a recent exhibition I made a purchase of what on first inspection was a very random bag of coloured scatter. However, it has proved possible to make a newspaper mask to fit over a Silfor tuft, spray on hairspray and gently scatter on this mix to give a little bit of colour to represent flowers. This ought to work in 4mm scale but maybe not in 7mm...

Of course this little test piece is currently a little ambiguous in scale but I am really pleased with how it looks, so much so that I have started work on another to test the greener version of the Javis grass mat and some other ideas. This uses more recycled pieces including the very bit of MDF this scene started life attached to. At least they will be matching sizes...


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