
Sunday 23 December 2018

'Taz' in time for Christmas

I have to admit that I've not really been too enthusiastic about completing this model, but having had a few bursts of activity on it I have now completed the remaining post-paint jobs. I've added sufficient weight (25cm of self-adhesive window leading strip) to allow the Tomytec chassis to perform reasonably well, MicroTrains couplers, cab glazing and finally some light weathering and the all-important driver.

The tiny nature of this model means that from most angles the driver is not really visible, he is a combination of a Preiser 1/50th head/upper body (and feet) and Slaters seated legs. I did wonder if he might need a drastic haircut to make the cab sit down on the chassis frame properly but it made little difference...

I think that's about it, I just need to decide what to use 'Taz' for in the longer term, in the meantime I now have an O9 loco that can make it around an 009 layout. Clearly that man "is far away" (to misquote Father Ted).

And finally, I'd like to wish all readers of O9 Modeller a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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