
Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Finishing Touches for a Micro-Diorama

Having successfully added various grass textures to the micro diorama I decided to add more plant life in the form of a couple of Gaugemaster/Noch laser cut flowers - the purple one to the right and red one back left. The red one fell apart so ended up glued to the post upright as support! The yellow flower in the foreground is a Mininature product. I also added a couple of Silfor tufts into the grass to add more variety to both colour and texture, you should be able to locate them...

As predicted the thin basswood came out and was cut into 8mm strips to add around the edge. Not visible in the pictures I have added the scale and year to the end pieces using dry print lettering as I have on previous micro dioramas. These strips were set in place one-by-one using PVA held with elastic bands until set as the thin material tends to curl under the dampness of the PVA. Once set the next strip is added and so on. The corners were sanded smooth and rounded off and a coat of matt varnish added to protect the lettering and seal the timber.

The scene is now in place in the display cabinet and it's first visitor is 'Flower of the Forest', it is the ideal size for smaller O9 locomotives.

What's next? You'll have to wait and see, but you might have seen some of it before...


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