
Thursday 3 October 2019

Desk-Sitting - Again!

I have been spending a lot of time recently considering what the next project might be. I've been weighing up various ideas but nothing that has grabbed me as feasible at the present time. Space is still the major factor, along with it being less attractive to be in the workshop in the recent weather conditions. So I've revisited the desk-siting test track concept again, last publicly considered three years ago...

I thought that I had shared the origins of this board here before but cannot find it - it was last years attempt at a desk-sitter using corkboard technology and a bolt-on fiddle stick, but not learning the length lesson from Up-cycle - too much needed to be cleared out of the way to use it! Here it is in original form...

The track has been lifted some time and the board used for the recent tight curve research and Greenwich coupling tests. As rebuilt I have retained a very short extension piece, only 1 1/4" but that is enough to bring the usable length to 25". The extension is fixed in place and could either be boxed in within the backscene and fascia boards or just left hanging out! The extra length allows clearance for a 3-3-2 inglenook with loco+2 behind the first point or loco+4 behind the second.

Alternatively, there is a one point option with 4-4 in the sidings and loco+3 behind the point and perhaps a bit of allowance for an odd longer wagon.

I'm torn between the schemes, the first could be made to work as a shed scene but as a wagon-shuffling scene the sidings look short compared to the simpler plan. The alternative might be a boxfile project but the appeal of a single board is strong. Hmm...


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