
Saturday, 19 October 2019

The edges of reason

Just as a coat of primer can really bring together a modelling project and make it look 'as one', a unifying coat of paint around the edges of a baseboard can make it look much more complete.

Matt black, from a Wilko water-based paint, has been applied in two coats and hides the bits of filler, nail heads and some of the differences in material in the surrounding edge of the desk-sitter test track.

Other jobs completed or underway are the buffer-stop posts at the ends of the sidings (furniture dowels filed square on the top section and let into holes in the frame) and super-gluing the majority of the track in place so that the pins can be removed as they are too long and poke out below the board. Shortened pins have been retained in the point and around the magnets.

Phase 1 of construction will be completed once the electrical connections to the board are installed. Then I can think about what, or indeed if, scenic treatment will follow...


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