
Sunday, 24 November 2019

Onwards from Beck Bridge

Since building the 'Beck Bridge' diorama it has spent most of it's time sat in a cardboard box either in the workshop or railway cupboard. The only times it has seen the light of day was for the 009 Society exhibition in Mansfield and for a daylight photo-shoot, producing shots such as this.

I've spent some time lately pondering what to do with it in the longer term as it doesn't really suit as a photographic set in the same way the 'The Headshunt' does. Now the Ministry of Daft Ideas came up with a few crazy ones including incorporating it into a continuous run. A sketch exists but I'll spare you that!

However, a post about "picture frame" scenes on the NGRM Online forum sparked an interesting thought, could 'Beck Bridge' be incorporated into a narrow, picture-frame style layout? Using a print out of the overall view I sketched a few additions, then scanned this in and composited the original picture back in...

The idea is to add to the right-hand end, doubling the length from 14 to 28 inches. This would be a fairly destructive act but I think achievable due to the way that the frame is constructed. Trackwork would have to be reworked to remove the KB scale dummy rail joiners that would stop smooth running and as part of this process I would actually lift some of the existing track and replace it with a point that feeds a short loop for a station.

I've sketched in a loco-length sector plate at the end of this hidden by the wing and most likely on a bolt-on board. A few commentators have suggested that this could be made fully scenic or be fully scenic and a turntable. I'm not fully sure about that element yet, I have a theory about making the scene seem longer by not visibly closing off the loop. I also like the idea of the loco vanishing for a few seconds and reappearing on the other line. Neil Rushby's 'Isle of Avalon Tramway' was in my mind, where a traverser was hidden in an overall roof and engine shed to great effect (seen here in new ownership). I didn't sketch in a roof but it is a possibility....

To the left-hand end a cassette fiddle yard would be added as a separate board.  Short trains such as my Exmoor tank and a couple of coaches could be operated effectively on this set-up. We shall see what develops as there are a couple of alternatives to consider as well...


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