
Friday 27 March 2020

Chasing Rainbows

Well what an extraordinary couple of weeks it has been. We joked before the Lincoln Newark exhibition that it might be the last one we went to in a while... and making the decision to miss Narrow Gauge North it turned out to be so.

I contributed a few pictures of 'Shifting Sands' to a Facebook "virtual exhibition" last weekend, nothing new but enough to generate some interest, conversation and feedback. But one in particular bugged me, seen previously here, the white sky was a result of a lack of suitable software skills at the time. I have now had a further play and have finally added some decent looking sky to the shot. As the kids are sticking rainbows in the windows as something to spot when they get a trip out of the house, so I thought I'd push the photo editing skills a touch further!

Stay safe.


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