
Saturday, 25 April 2020

Getting Something Moving 3 - Little Tricks

There were a few tasks to complete on the trackwork of the new micro layout to bring the first phase of work to a close.

Most are illustrated in this picture, see if you can spot (from left to right): a strip of thin card under the outer rail of the curve to add a slight degree of cant; fine wire 'bonding' between the rails around the rail joiner (I usually just solder the rails together but though I'd give this method a try); extended sleepers for the dummy point levers to eventually sit on; Milliput in the Peco point motor holes and a second wire from the microswitch towards the rear of the layout for behind the scenes operation.

For this point the tube under the point was put in place when the track was laid, and extended afterwards, diving under the track in a slot cut into the baseboard surface. The point wires are 0.7mm wire in Evergreen 3/32nd tube, held in place with RCL rail spikes. At the other end the wires are folded back on themselves, bent up and then soldered to add a little strength, then have a section of chocolate block connector screwed over the end to give something to grip.

Overall the board now looks like this, ready for some more test running to determine amongst other things how it can be operated and which coupling system might be used.I can't help getting a sense of de-ja-vue at this stage, all the way back to 17/10/2005 and Shifting Sands!

I can't help getting a sense of de-ja-vue at this stage, all the way back to 17/10/2005 and Shifting Sands!

Was that really 15 years ago?


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