
Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Alan Keef K12 in O9 - Everythings Gone Green...

With a dry spell of weather over the weekend I managed to get a coat of varnish over the ever-so-slowly painted Alan Keef K12.

The green is Halfords 'Meadow Green', but you might have guessed that! Black and red areas were brush painted, red first over red oxide primer and then the green and red were masked off for the black to be painted.

Grilles are some old etched fencing panels cut to shape, blackened, painted and added in between painting and varnishing. The cab side panel has not come out too badly in the end, although this is somewhat helped by the very flat finish the Humbrol varnish creates.

There are a few jobs to complete such as glazing and I think it will definitely need some weathering to hide the ropier parts of the paintwork. It might have to wait though...


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