
Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Pizza Ponderings - Fresh Toppings

Some issues with the recent Christmas Pizza have led me to strip back the scenery to almost a bare board with embedded trackwork. There is a chance that I won't be reinstating the snow scene, at least in the same form, having found that keeping track clean and snow were not really compatible! The trees and other bits have been recovered for reuse but in the meantime I've been thinking what could be done in terms of a "re-theme". 

I recalled a sketch made some time ago for an O9 scene, representing an estate railway, split into three views of a roadway with vehicle/office or station/yard.

I have now created a couple of sketches of how it could look in practice. From the roadway side (without the vehicle in place) it can be seen that a Port Wynnstay hut and Peco phone box are envisaged, oddly enough both kits are to hand...

The yard side features a grounded van body, inspired by the Peco O-16.5 one used on 'The Headshunt' (indeed there may be a side from it somewhere!) and a series of junk bits.

During the early construction of the Christmas pizza a friend asked if the mounds were going to be sand dunes or snow, which must have struck a chord... A more recent pair of pizza sketches depict the familiar territory of a passenger-carrying seaside miniature railway, but a more run down, lower key setup than that depicted on 'Shifting Sands'. 

The sketch on the right uses an ice cream van as part of the disguise of the circuit, and whilst not split directly into thirds as per the estate plan sufficiently breaks up the scene. Wanting to see how it might work I made a sketch of how it might look.

It is funny how I can visualise these ideas but not the layout that I am currently stalled building - the Julian Andrews brickworks inspired scheme...maybe it will come in time?


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