
Friday 1 September 2023

On the Horizon

I've been carrying out a few further experiments with the under-development photo diorama. When we last saw it I had used the free Railway Modeller backscene and commented that it needed less foreground. With hindsight it needed less 'busy-ness' and a lower horizon too. I quickly printed off a view I had taken at Humberston last year and tried that as a background instead. 

It didn't really work, a cornfield is not really going to blend onto any of the foreground I provide and the gap where the track falls off the end is far too obvious. Something bushier is no doubt required...

I did try it with no foreground and just sky, which does rather make it look as if the railcar has reached the edge of a precipice! A fence or gate would help but may be a little restrictive in practice.

Despite the experimentation the scene is slowly progressing, ballast is now laid and I've dry-brushed the sleepers with a light wood/grey colour to make them look like weathered wood.



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