
Sunday, 15 October 2023

Painting the Doctor

When we last saw our two Doctors they had just received a coat of grey primer and frankly were difficult to photograph as you could not see much of the detail. My usual method of figure painting these days is to then go over with a wash of black-grey, allowing it to sit in some of the detail and provide a basis for some shadows in the paintwork to follow.

At this stage in the procedure I realised that the inside of the tenth Doctor's long coat was going to be a real challenge to paint without getting paint where it wasn't required! The solution was eventually to paint another wash in a light brown, which as we shall see turned out rather well. From behind the hair texture I added using Milliput is more apparent now that the dark wash has been applied.

Painting of both figures followed my usual process of skin colour first, then shirt, jackets and trousers, working out to the coats. The tenth Doctor is modelled in his blue suit phase, as the earlier brown suit would give less contrast to the jacket. When painting I built up colour using an almost dry-brushing technique, the intention being to leave some darker areas to represent creases in the material. I did add some false shadows around the suit which are more apparent in the photographs than reality. The shoe laces were a necessity on the red shoes and my tiniest brush just about managed it before giving up the ghost.

By contrast the first Doctor was a little easier to paint the details on (you cannot see his shoelaces...) His hair actually caused the biggest issue as it should be all grey but that looks wrong and texture-less, so he has to have some darker bits. As he is not the chosen figure for the mini-diorama this is no real concern but is certainly something to think about for future figures. Both figures were completed a few weeks ago with a coat of Humbrol matt varnish from an aerosol, but in the best traditions of time travel are only now being revealed!

Painting TARDIS is progressing well, here's a sneak preview - note how despite it not being a model of a TARDIS Peco have provided some "round things" inside to keep the Doctor happy... 

More soon, including work on the diorama base.


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