
Monday, 28 May 2018

A Simplex for O9 - Paintshop Progress

The O9 Simplex has proceeded quickly through the paint shop, aided by the good weather and some useful moments of time. A final coat of plastic primer was followed by the main body colour of Halfords 'Meadow Green'. I masked off the bonnet openings, radiator and buffer blocks before spraying the main colour to avoid having to over-paint the glossy finish. The red and black-grey areas were brushed using Vallejo acrylics.

Various details were picked out such as the pipes, brake wheel and controls. The Kato chassis has been painted matt black where visible and dry-brushed with black-grey where visible through the frames to reduce it's visual impact. I managed to apply a coat of Dulcote and was lucky to have done so as the can promptly ran out straight afterwards!

 The driver has also been painted, his blue overalls hiding his trauma of his surgery.

Weathering is now under way to finish off the project.


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