
Wednesday, 6 June 2018

A Simplex in O9 - Details, Details

Aside from adding couplings the 3D print O9 Simplex is now complete, having been treated to a coat of matt varnish and some light weathering.

I've added a few bits and pieces to add character and more importantly, help to hide the Kato chassis. The oil can and pot are (probably) Duncan Models castings, these were already painted from previous projects, whilst the wooden tool box is one of the blocks from the Dapol Railbus underframe with lock and hinges added from styrene strip. Whilst the details have been secured with Araldite the driver has been placed using Tacky wax, he's a bit more vulnerable and there may be options for the loco in the future where he needs to be removed.

Designer David Malton reminded me that there were holes in the running plate for a handrail at the radiator end. Rather than fit a simple bent up-and-over rail I followed David's drawing in the Railway Modeller and added a cross bar, carefully soldering it together. Of course I then opened up Facebook to be confronted by a picture of a Simplex with a simple up and over bar handrail... either way, I'm very pleased with how this has turned out.

From the side the slight disparity between actual wheelbase and the axleboxes can be spotted, but this isn't usually visible from normal viewpoints.

Overall I'm pretty pleased with how this has turned out, it isn't a true miniature railway machine but as an accessible way to an O9 model it has worked out very well.


1 comment:

  1. Colin, there were no hard and fast rules about the front handrails. See these links:

    Simple up and over This is IHRR #1 ex St Albans Sand & Gravel

    1 intermediate crossbar

    2 intermediate crossbars

