But the other reason it is an apt title currently sits in the corner of that same room....
It's 'Shifting Sands', back from 'Rails to the Sands' at Cleethorpes, bringing along with it a little souvenir of the exhibition in the form of it's interpretation card! Changes are afoot for the exhibition at Cleethorpes and there may be developments to report in the new year. For the layout I will be carrying out an electrical testing session soon to ensure all is well (some may call it playing trains...)
Today was the last regular operating day of the 2011 season at Cleethorpes and despite a damp start, the day turned out sunny and not too cold, warm enough to enjoy a ride in a Sutton Miniature Railway open coach behind 'Sutton Belle'.
Elsewhere on the railway work is underway on locos and rolling stock ready for the santa specials in December and the 2012 season, which will mark the 21st year of operation by Chris Shaw and the present company.