Well, yesterday (ahem), that I took the first under-construction photographs of what was to become 'Cumbria'. I may not have realised it at the time but this model was pivotal in my O9 modelling journey, being a step away from the heavy kit-bashing that had gone before and my first model closely following a prototype, in this case the Ravenglass steam tram 'Flower of the Forest'. My styrene techniques had been honed on a couple of experimental models in the month previously and would develop further as the months went on.
O9 Modeller
Railway modelling in 7mm scale on 9mm gauge track, representing 15" gauge miniature railways and 18" gauge industrial railways. (Plus anything else that I choose to include!)
Saturday, 8 February 2025
It was 20 years ago today...
Saturday, 1 February 2025
Stirring the wagon pot
In the last 'odsock Corner update I explained how I had substituted the intended Black Dog Mining based wagon in the siding scene with my "damaged" Hudson skip-frame flat. Before I had decided on this switch I had actually altered the original model and I thought it worth recording the work here.
Inspired by the work of Steve's Narrow Gauge Adventure, the planks of the damaged flat wagon destined for the siding were actually replaced like-for-like with real wood in the form of weathered coffee-stirrers. Fixings were represented simply by pushing a compass point into the wood and then the tip of a mechanical pencil after weathering.

Saturday, 25 January 2025
Rainy Day Rebuild
Regular readers may recall that nearly three years ago I completed a scratchbuilt O9 i/c locomotive built ago on an unmodified Kato 11-109 chassis (Finished Business). Following the work I did on the Simplex to better hide the Kato chassis I decided to revisit this model as well. I am rather pleased with the result as seen below.
I also took the opportunity to correct something else that bothered me about this model, which was that the coupler units looked a bit too "industrial", so these were carefully parted from the buffer beams and everything smoothed back. New bolt heads were added to break up the otherwise featureless space. Behind the bufferbeam a new mount for the MicroTrains coupler was added in the space freed up by shortening the chassis moulding.
The bufferbeams were then carefully masked up, primed and painted red well before Christmas, but after that sat awaiting a coat of Humbrol aerosol matt varnish for some time. I was waiting on the weather to be fine/dry enough and ideally something else to varnish at the same time to make it worth getting spray booth out... I finally got around to it last week, allowing me to re-assemble everything the following morning.
Saturday, 18 January 2025
'odsock Corner - Trees, Leaves and Junk
We left 'odsock Corner' with the office building and walls in place and the next stage was to start to infill the central section of the scene. There needed to be a certain order to this to avoid having to fiddle around adding items under the trees once they were fixed in place. The eagle-eyed will notice that since they were last featured some of the items being used have changed, such is the nature of layout development.
The first notable change is that the post and rail fence that I created to go alongside the office building has been replaced by something a little more makeshift in the form of a wattle fence panel supported by three weathered offcuts of cocktail stick.
Saturday, 11 January 2025
An Avalon Arrival
Saturday, 4 January 2025
Saturday Snapshot - Progress
After all my grass-growing woes of the last month it is very satisfying to bring you this image of how far things have come in recent weeks. The walls and office building are now fixed in place and hopefully it won't be too long before the trees are too...
Wednesday, 1 January 2025
The Green Grass of 2025
A couple of weeks ago I expressed my frustration with my latest efforts to use hanging basket liner grass and that I had purchased a static grass applicator and started experimentation...
After several colour tests and experience-building sessions on scraps of cork and hardboard I was ready to add some colour to the layout itself. My applicator is the WWScenics Pro Detailer which is ideal for the sort of small projects I wish to complete. Whilst there are a few areas that may benefit from a further layer, I am largely happy with the effect so far.
My initial stock of grasses also came from WWScenics and I may have picked one that was a bit on the bright side. I had it in mind to try and match the sort of colours that I achieved using hanging basket liner and one shade I chose was far too bright. A quick search of eBay found a shade from Woodland Scenics that fitted the bill so an order was placed and further experimentation took place. I wanted to be able to blend with hanging basket shades as I had successfully added a few extra areas of this as shown below, prior to applying the static grass to see how the two could co-exist.