Saturday 28 September 2024

Steady Pace at 'odsock Corner

It always seems to be a bit of a struggle to get back into the swing of things after the summer holidays and this year has been no exception. Things are now slowly moving and the ballasting of 'odsock Corner is now completed. Now you might think that is an easy one-hit job, but it was actually spread over several sessions taking it nice and steady. Unfortunately it's not the easiest thing to get a decent picture of in the evening gloom of the workshop.

I have to admit to being as gloomy as the light in the workshop after taking that photo, suddenly going into negative mode about the whole project. I'd like to say the next day dawned bright and I was refreshed, but the weather had other ideas. So did I...

I hired in a keen sub-contractor to assist with the modelling clay work that could now be completed around the roadway, walls and office building. The walls and building were carefully wrapped as tightly as we could in cling film before placing them in location. The usual PVA base was applied before using DAS 'stone' clay to infill and shape the landscape, finishing off by stippling with a stiff brush to add texture.

My assistant had to go out to a friends house leaving me to complete the area in the front of the office, covering the quite poor quality corrugated card in this area. Having used up all the clay that I had taken out of the packet I stopped at this point, as I think that I may have assistance for the next session, where we can continue around the side and back of the building.

After leaving the clay to set for a few hours I carefully removed the walls and office (before the PVA got too stuck the cling film!) and by large the desired effect has been achieved. I did have to poke a few bits back down so maybe I could have left it a little longer before removing the items. We'll see next time! 


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