Saturday, 4 January 2025

Saturday Snapshot - Progress

After all my grass-growing woes of the last month it is very satisfying to bring you this image of how far things have come in recent weeks. The walls and office building are now fixed in place and hopefully it won't be too long before the trees are too...

The weather forecast for the weekend ahead is probably telling me not to spend too much time out in the workshop but we shall see what is possible, I think hairspray dries better in cold weather than PVA, right?

There are a few new developments to come in the next few weeks and maybe one or two changes of mind, watch this space...


Wednesday, 1 January 2025

The Green Grass of 2025

A couple of weeks ago I expressed my frustration with my latest efforts to use hanging basket liner grass and that I had purchased a static grass applicator and started experimentation... 

After several colour tests and experience-building sessions on scraps of cork and hardboard I was ready to add some colour to the layout itself. My applicator is the WWScenics Pro Detailer which is ideal for the sort of small projects I wish to complete. Whilst there are a few areas that may benefit from a further layer, I am largely happy with the effect so far.

My initial stock of grasses also came from WWScenics and I may have picked one that was a bit on the bright side. I had it in mind to try and match the sort of colours that I achieved using hanging basket liner and one shade I chose was far too bright. A quick search of eBay found a shade from Woodland Scenics that fitted the bill so an order was placed and further experimentation took place. I wanted to be able to blend with hanging basket shades as I had successfully added a few extra areas of this as shown below, prior to applying the static grass to see how the two could co-exist.

The shades used in the end were a base layer of 2mm WWS 'Muddy' followed by a blend of  4mm Woodland Scenics 'Light green' and WWS 'Muddy'. In places another layer has been added of 6mm WWS 'Patchy' to add variety. I think the colour-blend has worked very well although the static grass is still a touch greener than the hanging basket grass, where it is still visible!

Despite appearances there is still a lot more to do to the grass, adding ground foam etc as I would usually do, plus other growth here and there to break up the texture a little more. There is also a requirement for plenty of leaf litter under the trees, creation of which is now underway.

A quick word for the team at War World Scenics for their excellent customer support after an issue (self inflicted) occurred with my applicator, thank you WWS!

Wishing all readers of O9 Modeller a Happy New Year.
