Saturday, 22 March 2025

'odsock Corner - Flora and Fauna

'odsock Corner is reaching a point where you might say that it is nearly complete (on the basis a model railway layout is never actually complete!) Since it's last appearance here there have been several enhancements to both the natural scenery and the man-made junk. The overall view below shows the current state of work, with the third tree in place back-left and lots of new smaller details.

Seen before they became lost in the undergrowth are some of the "animals of 'odsock Corner". From left to right, we start with a minor celebrity, "the Brookford Pheasant", obtained from the fabled Brookford layout some time ago; two rabbits from Northumbrian Painting Service, bought at the 7mm NGA event at Mickleover along with some pigeons who we will meet later! The cat is an Omen casting, and the duck from Duncan Castings. All apart from the pheasant were painted by myself.

The pheasant is lurking under the new tree, where I also added in some variety to the undergrowth with some Mininatur flowers and a raspberry bush. On the junk pile you can just see a child's trike in the bushes to the right. There are other new additions behind the tarpaulin and they are actually posed in such a away that you really cannot get the camera in to photograph them! I did try, as you will see later... 

Those pesky pigeons have taken up residence on the roof of the office building, and have left their mark using a stippled mixture of green-grey and yellow paints. I've also added a fair bit of moss growing on the lower rear edge of the roof under the tree. Other additions to this area are the bucket and the bin to the left of the hut, both West Hill Wagon Works 3D prints, and in-between these one of the rabbits is minding their own business. The ex-Shifting Sands bench, the cat and the lamp post all add more interest to this scene.

More Mininatur flowers can be seen around the layout and around near the gateway the other rabbit is seen. This area is also the home of the 'lost' duck. There is a puddle there which he has obviously mistaken for a much bigger expanse of water!

And finally... an attempt to see the extra junk in the centre of the scene. I suppose it is quite atmospheric! The carriage door is an Avalon Line left-over from the railcar conversion, but in front of that are some redundant bench ends lying flat on the floor, you'll have to take my word for that...


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