Having completed the Motor Rail/Simplex and with my mind telling me it was an 18" gauge loco rather than 15" gauge, I felt the need for the some suitable rolling stock for it to work with. Having followed the development of the
422 Modelmaking range of resin cast O9 wagons, Narrow Gauge North provided the first opportunity to see them in the resin, so to speak...
I chose to sample one of the 1-plank fixed plank and a 2-plank dropside variations along with a few spare bits and pieces. The castings are relatively clean, requiring some fettling of flash around the bottom edge of the bodies and top of the chassis, and a quick sand on flat 400 grit wet and dry paper to level off these surfaces ready for assembly. After cleaning up the castings I posed them for the camera.

The chassis are designed to sit on Peco N gauge 10ft chassis with their buffers removed and weight still attached above, so a suitable example was purloined from the stores. Bearing in mind this is sat on the flanges and not on rails, the axleboxes are quite low to the ground and do seem a little large compared to the wheels (which admittedly you cannot really see!).
I appreciate the need to hide the Peco undergubbins but I decided that this area required a little further consideration. I did purchase a spare chassis and also a version without axleboxes. This has allowed me some room for experimentation, the earliest of which was to see if the axleboxes could be cut off an shortened in height, not a resounding success... On the opposite side of the chassis I squared off the bottom of the axleboxes with the idea a square cover could be added along the lines of the Heywood or Theakston axleboxes. This is the state of play on the right of the photo.

Some further thought produced the option on the left. By carefully drilling with a 3mm drill bit and some gentle opening out with a round file I could insert a length of Evergreen 3.2mm tube. The remains of the cast axlebox from the halfway point of the tube downwards was removed, co-incidentally lining up with the triangular support gusset either side. The hole needs filling with a slightly protruding length of rod to resemble the axle end.
I will probably opt for this option as the end result will not be too dissimilar to the Black Dog Mining style axleboxes on other O9 models. It also has a clear lineage to the originals in terms of shape etc.